Bonafide Tattoos Kristin Bonafide • Tattoo Artist


About Me

I have been collecting tattoos for well over a decade, and tattooing since 2006. I mostly specialize in color work, art replication, the cute pieces, and the odd pieces. I like intricate work and bright colors. I like working with people that have an open mind to create unique and fun pieces.

I started collecting tattoos in 1997, became hooked, and worked my way through college at Shotsie's Tattoo in Wayne, NJ as the front desk person. While working there, I got a much better idea of the tattooing industry, and the different styles, people, and attitudes within. Having always been creative and artistic, I was encouraged to apprentice. I began tattooing in 2006 at a shop in north Jersey, and worked there for three years trying to discover my niche. Since then, I have been moving forward to keep learning and improving, and to keep doing what I love. I started working at Artisanal Tattoo in 2009, and was extraordinarily lucky to meet a group of wonderfully talented and charismatic people that I was able to learn a lot from. After 7 years, I moved on to Rabbits Den Tattoo in 2016 and gained even more amazing clients, as well as another talented tattoo family.

I attend tattoo conferences at least once a year, as I firmly believe that I am never done learning and growing, and being around incredible artists is always inspiring.

I am currently working out of Lost and Found Tattoo in Cranford, NJ, alongside a much loved previous co-worker, Ali.

I love what I do, and I love working with people. (as long as you're not a jackass)